
I need repairs

For those of you who does not know that much about me, I play Team Fortress 2. Sadly thou, we're in the middle of moving and I'm stuck on one of those mobile internet things, so I can't really play. But I spent the weekend at my mum's, and she has a great pc, compared to me (I'm on a laptop, so TF2 itself is a strain).

Anyway, I played the Pyro a lot, and then I broke. I was holding B on Gravelpit, while trying to earn myself Attention Getter (Ignite 100 enemies with your Flare Gun) and Hot Potato (Air-burst 100 enemy shots (Rockets, Grenades, Stickes... I think I reflected a Flare once)). Anyway, I shouted for Medic, and thank the gods for the Medic that came. All of a sudden I got a Crit Boost, and for some reason (I guess it was the stress, since I were constantly assaulted by Soldiers and Demomen) I thought it were from our team capturing the flag. Anyway, about a second after it started and I got my mind right, I jumped off the platform to flame one of the enemy Soldiers. As I gleefully watched the CRITICAL HIT text rape his personal airspace, I understood that my Medic had a Klitzkrieg-charge on me. Turning to kill the Demoman a few steps away, watching him burn and then finding ANOTHER Soldier to kill! Running up to him, and may his soul rest in peace. Then it hit me. I was still charged. I just got a three-kill combo in a single charge.

That's an achievement. Due to the natural lag of achievements and such, I was a able to watch as the message popped up. I also got the Pyro Milestone 3. Then I broke into maniacal laughter. Too bad I didn't have a mic at hand, or the server would've known. I think I was laughing for the better part of a minute. I think I became broken.

Then I died on purpose. I wanted my Axthinguiser, after all.

I never got it.