

I was (or am) chatting with my friend "erika_92" and was reminded of when i started using Game Maker... That was like... about six years ago, i think.

First game i made was one i made in school. It was called "Stenlabyrinten" (Stone Maze). You played as a stick figure (no animations in the game ofc)... well... He kinda looked like the letter K spun 90' clockwise and then with a ball on top of him. You walked around mazes and whenever you touched a directional rock (a big boulder with an arrow on it) it would start moving in the direction on it, stopping at the first wall it hit.

I remember my friend Alfred, the guy who showed me game maker (it was v5.3a at that time) who gave me his comment on the game:

"I didn't even think you would be able to make a worse game". Well, it is kinda odd as a comment, but hey, it's positive, and now i got a blog. Thanks, Alfred.



Hi there again! Time for an update from me. Sorry about being so dead here, it's just that i haven't had any ideas. But now i'm working on a new project. It's called GoDss. (pronounce it any way you'd like, I just say "gods")

Okay, so the story behind my inspiration is kinda short... I was chatting with a friend, and decided to Rick Roll him. Since his internet won't allow Youtube for some reason, I decided to Rick Roll him by... Game! So I threw something quick and messy together, and then we both fell in love with the adorable main character, which is actually nothing more than a 6 frame long, 8x8 sprite. And mirrored.

Well... I can at least throw up an image for you of my project. Well, I don't want to tell you too much, but i promise the whole game won't be in black and white. But considering the original rick-roll game to be, I'll probably throw in the option, just for fun.

The game is based on Matt Thorson's platform engine, Granny Engine. It's awesome. It even gave me candy.